The following fib
function in Haskell efficiently generates values from the
Fibonacci series:
= 0:1:zipWith (+) fib (tail fib) fib
It works by zipping (i.e. combining elements from) the list
and the tail of the same list (i.e.
). The (almost) magic thing is that the sums in the
list are sums of elements from the same list, just one and two elements behind,
Anyway… Today, for some reason, I was trying to write this function in Python
on a whiteboard, and I’m quite sure I screwed up the python syntax (well, I
know I did – I completely forgot the yield
keyword used in Python
generators to name one thing).
So, to brush up on my Python skills, I had the Python interpreter yell at me
until I got it right. The following generator generates an infinite list of
Fibonacci numbers and fib
allows you to ask for a specific number.
from itertools import islice, chain, imap
def fibgen():
def tail(iterable): return islice(iterable, 1, None)
for n in chain([0,1], imap(lambda a,b: a+b, fibgen(), tail(fibgen()))):
yield n
def fib(n):
return list(islice(fibgen(), n, n+1))
This actually turned out to be quite different from the Haskell version. Since
we can only access the next
element of a generator, it doesn’t make sense to
have two references to previous elements of the same list we’re generating (it’s
not even a list, after all). So, let have the generator have two versions of
itself, drop one element from one of them and then have the (outer) generator
yield the sum of the next items from its two inner generators, ad infinitum.
However, these two inner generators will have their own generators, and so on, so this will be dog slow.
(Yes, yes, the way it should actually be done is to just keep track of the two previous values.)
def fibgen():
= 0, 1
n1, n2 while True:
yield n1
= n2, n1 + n2 n1, n2