Purely Functional Data Structures: Random-access List

Yesterday’s Programming Praxis task was to implement Chris Okasaki’s purely functional random-access list as described in his 1995 paper1.

Okasaki’s random-access list preserves the O(1) time guarantee of standard lists of the primitive list operations head, cons, tail while adding the possibility to access or update elements at a given index in O(lgn) time. (These operations are O(i) on standard lists, where i is the index.)

This is done by maintaining a list of complete binary trees – i.e. trees where all nodes are leaves or have exactly two children. The nodes are stored in preorder so that the first node of a tree is the head of the list that tree represents.

It can be shown that we only need a logarithmic number of trees by noting that each complete binary tree has height 2k − 1 for k > 1 and that any integer n ≤ 0 can be written as a sum of 2k − 1 terms. This decomposition is unique if we require the terms to be as large as possible. This greedy decomposition has at most ⌈lg (n+1)⌉ terms.

We thus have O(lgn) time to find the right tree in the list of trees and O(lgn) time to find the requested node in the tree.

Okasaki goes on tho show that the worst-case time for lookups/updates is actually O(min{i,lgn}) – meaning that these random-access lists are never less efficient – and further that the expected time is O(lgi).

The following Haskell implementation mirrors closely the Stanard ML implementation in Okasaki’s paper.

import Prelude hiding (head, tail)
import Data.List (mapAccumL)

data Tree a = Leaf a | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Show, Eq)

type RAList a = [(Int,Tree a)]

-- constructs an empty RAList
empty :: RAList a
empty = []

-- constructs an RAList from a list (O(n))
fromList :: [a] -> RAList a
fromList l = fst $ mapAccumL (\l e -> (cons e l,l)) empty (reverse l)

-- converts an RAList to a list (O(n))
toList :: RAList a -> [a]
toList [] = []
toList xs = head xs:toList (tail xs)

-- takes an RAList and an index and returns the item at that index (O(lg n))
index :: RAList a -> Int -> a
index ((size,t):r) i = if i < size
                               then index' (size,t) i
                               else index r (i-size)
  where index' (size, Leaf x) 0 = x
        index' (size, Leaf x) i = error "index: index out of bounds"
        index' (size, Node x t1 t2) 0 = x
        index' (size, Node x t1 t2) i =
              let size' = size `div` 2
                in if i <= size'
                      then index' (size',t1) (i-1)
                      else index' (size',t2) (i-1-size')

-- takes an RAList, an index and a value and updates the value at the given
-- position to the given value (O(lg n))
update :: RAList a -> Int -> a -> RAList a
update ((size,t):r) i e = if i < size
                               then (size,update' size t i e):r
                               else update r (i-size) e
  where update' size (Leaf x)       0 y = Leaf y
        update' size (Leaf _)       i y = error "update: index out of bounds"
        update' size (Node x t1 t2) 0 y = Node y t1 t2
        update' size (Node x t1 t2) i y =
              let size' = size `div` 2
               in if i <= size'
                     then Node x (update' size' t1 (i-1) y) t2
                     else Node x t1 (update' size' t2 (i-1-size') y)

-- prepends the given value to the given list (O(1))
cons :: a -> RAList a -> RAList a
cons x xs@((s1,t1):(s2,t2):rest) =
      if s1 == s2
         then (1+s1+s2,Node x t1 t2):rest
         else (1,Leaf x):xs
cons x xs = (1,Leaf x):xs

tail :: RAList a -> RAList a
tail ((_,Leaf _):rest) = rest
tail ((s,Node _ t1 t2):rest) = (s',t1):(s',t2):rest
  where s' = (s-1) `div` 2

-- returns the list's head (O(1))
head :: RAList a -> a
head []                 = error "head: empty list"
head ((_,Leaf x):_)     = x
head ((_,Node x _ _):_) = x

main = do
      -- some simple tests
      let t = fromList [3,2,1]
      print $ map (t `index`) [0,1,2] == [3,2,1]
      print $ head t == 3
      print $ toList (tail t) == [2,1]

      let t' = update t 2 0
      print $ map (t' `index`) [0,1,2] == [3,2,0]